Make a Killer Frost Halloween Costume | 5 DIY STEPS

Create a frosty costume this Halloween with one of the five members of the suicide squad.

These days getting ready for Halloween is as simple as spending $20 at the store for a costume.  But  who really wants a cheap mass-produced item that goes in the garbage the day after Halloween? No one does.  It holds no sentimental value and you will end up freezing your butt off trick or treating.

Killer Frost Costume

1. Pick Out a Color Scheme

The masses often forget the most important aspect of a Halloween costume (or any craft for the matter) is looking good!  The first step to achieving this is picking out a color scheme. Killer frost originates from the cold so a cool color palate is the right direction to start off. I chose lilacs and teals.


2. Start with a Tutu and Leotard

The best female costumes always have a tutu.  Twirling is absolutely imperative to a good time.  And don’t think you can’t add as many colors as you want.  Layer the body with tulle, line the bottom with white fluff and attach a stretchy band to the waistline. Make sure to pick a Leo with an armband to stay true to the comic origins.




3.  Bedazzle with glitter

To stand out among the crowds work some shine into your costume.  Line adjoining colors with sequins and buy glitter hair spray.


4. Pick out Complementing Accessories

For class don’t forget long matching gloves and a statement belt.


5. Finish off with a Cape and a Mask

A superhero always wears a cape and mask. Without them you are simply a vigilante.  Masks can be found at any party store.  A cape may be harder to find so I suggest making your own. Cut a piece of fabric into a half circle, and simply sew together while adding draw strings.



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Thanks for reading! Go home.